• With health care technology constantly improving and population that is constantly growing, nursing has become one of the largest career options in the world. The jobs is nursing are the hot favorite these days and believed to the most sought after career all over the world. The career in nursing offers so many specializations as per the interest and knowledge of the candidate. The skills are taught by the institutes where they get trained. The most sought positions are that of the oncology, gerontology, psychiatry, neonatal and acute nurses.

    High Job Growth:

    The population is growing, the more people are living, the more nurses we need. Nursing offers a higher job growth than most of the other occupation.

    How Nursing Course is Beneficial ?

    The Course enables the students to go for various nursing midwifery and related other medical jobs in hospitals. Both public as well as private undertakings like hospitals, clinics , schools, corporate offices, training institutes, rehabilitation centres, orphanages, old age home, NGO’S and other offers a variety of working platform. They can also go for higher degree programme in respective subject.

  • Excellent Pay:

    Nursing offers some of the highest paying jobs without having the advanced degree.

    B.Sc. Nursing: this is a year degree course. There is a great demand of nurses in rural areas, school, industries, and health departments. You can also join the Railway health department or other public sector medical department. There is option to join a training institute as a trainer.

  • Scope : Nursing Jobs

    The vast and dynamic arena of the science of health care spreads itself into one of the noblest profession called nursing. The nursing occupation is one of the largest areas of employment in the health care sector. The job of a nurse starts with providing personal bed side care to special group of patients including pediatric, psychiatric to intensive care. The health care industry has been expanding thereby increasing job opportunities for fresher, looking to enter the field of nursing.

    Fresher in the field of nursing in India have a lot of options to choose from. The two broad categories in this sector is that of a nurse and a nursing assistant.

    The opportunities for a nurse are varied & limitless a new professional nurse may choose between clinical practice, education, research management, administration, occupational & industrial nursing. The horizon has expanded widely abroad with never ending staff shortage in all countries. Nursing education has moved forward to specialization.

    There are graduate, postgraduate and professional diploma courses in India to step into a career in nursing. Most fresher, in India enter the field of nursing with a B.Sc. nursing. Depending upon the sector, the fresher wants to step into, expertise can be developed in avenues like military, midwifery, hospital and health worker.


    After successful completion of any nursing course, students of our institutes can easily find and get employment through campus selection in

    Public and private Hospitals…

    Nursing homes…

    Clinics and Heath Departments…


    Old age homes…

    Military and merchant navy…

    Schools and Colleges…

    Corporate offices…

    Industrial houses and factories…

    Railway health department…

    Public sector medical departments…

    Training Institutes as educators…

    Commercial cruise ships…

    MNC’s and NGO’s…

    Many other soft service sectors…


    इन दिनों नर्सिंग एक उजले सेवा पूर्ण करियर के रुप मै उभरकर सामने आया है । यह एक ऐसा करियर जो गाँवो और महानगरों की युवक्तियों के लिए एक सम्मान संभावनाएं प्रस्तुत करता है । नर्स का कार्य मानवीय भावना से ओत - प्रोत कार्य है , जिनका कोई मूलय निर्धारित नहीं किया जा सकता । न सिर्फ रोगियों को स्वस्थ करने मे बल्कि उनके प्राणो की रक्षा करने मे नर्स की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका होती है । नारी सेवा की प्रतिमूर्त होती है , इसलिए नर्सिंग युवक्तियों के लिए सर्वधिक उपयुक्त एवम निरापद करियर है ।

    मानव सेवा की भावना रखने वाले युवक्तियों को इस क्षेत्र मई आना चाहिए , क्योंकि इस समय सवास्थ सेवाओं का काफी विस्तार हो रहा है और न केवल बड़े शहरों मे बल्कि छोटे शहरों एव कस्बो मे भी निज़ी अस्पतालों की बहुतायत हो रही है । इसलिए नर्सिंग के क्षेत्र मे रोजगार के अवसर काफी बढ़ गए है ।

    नर्सिंग प्रशिक्षण केन्द्रो से प्रशिक्षण लेने के बाद नर्स के पद पर नियुक्त होना ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण है । इस क्षेत्र मे कई प्रकार के पाठ्यक्रम कराये जाते है । किन्तु बी. एस. सी. नर्सिंग कोर्स के प्रति युवक्तियों मे ज्यादा आकर्षण है , जिसकी अवधि चार वर्ष होती है । इस कोर्स के पश्चात दो वर्ष का एम. एस.सी. नर्सिंग कर युवक्तियां नर्सिंग क्षेत्र मे अध्यापन को करियर बना सकती है । बी. एस. सी. करने हेतु पात्रता १०+२ परीक्षा पास एवं आयु १७ वर्ष अनिवार्य है । इसके अलावा नर्सिंग के क्षेत्र मे डिप्लोमा कोर्स जैसे ए.एन.एम. एवं जी. एन.एम. भी किया जा सकता है ।